Nav Canada Union Agreement: What You Need to Know

Nav Canada is a privately-owned, non-share capital corporation that manages air traffic control, flight information, and navigation services for aircraft flying in Canadian airspace and international airspace over the North Atlantic. The company employs approximately 4,900 people, including air traffic controllers, engineers, and support staff.

Recently, Nav Canada reached an agreement with the Canadian Air Traffic Control Association (CATCA), the union representing over 3,000 Nav Canada employees. The new agreement, which covers a five-year period from 2020 to 2025, includes wage increases, improvements to benefits, and changes to working conditions.

Here are the key highlights of the Nav Canada union agreement:

Wage Increases: Nav Canada employees will receive a 2% wage increase retroactive to January 1, 2020, and another 2% increase on January 1, 2021. In each of the following years, wages will increase by the greater of 1.5% or the rate of inflation, with a maximum increase of 2.5%. This means that Nav Canada employees can expect steady wage increases over the next five years.

Improved Benefits: The new agreement also includes improvements to several benefits, including health and dental coverage, life insurance, and long-term disability benefits. Nav Canada will increase its contribution to health and dental coverage by 1% each year, up to a maximum of 85% by 2025. The new agreement also provides for enhanced life insurance coverage and a more comprehensive long-term disability plan.

Changes to Working Conditions: The Nav Canada union agreement includes several changes to working conditions for air traffic controllers. These changes include more flexible scheduling and the ability to work from home for certain tasks. The new agreement also establishes a joint committee to examine fatigue management and develop strategies to address fatigue among air traffic controllers.

Why is the Nav Canada union agreement important?

The Nav Canada union agreement is significant because it ensures that Nav Canada employees receive fair wages and benefits, while also improving working conditions. Air traffic controllers are responsible for ensuring the safety of millions of passengers each year, and their job is both demanding and stressful. The Nav Canada union agreement recognizes the important work that these employees do and provides them with the support they need to do their jobs effectively.

In conclusion, the Nav Canada union agreement is a positive development for both Nav Canada employees and the Canadian air travel industry. It demonstrates the importance of fair wages, benefits, and working conditions for all workers, including those in high-stress industries like air traffic control. By providing Nav Canada employees with the support they need, the company can continue to provide safe, reliable air traffic control services for years to come.